What Do You Have to Lose?
Belly Fat?
Insulin Resistance?
Brain Fog and Confusion?
The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit:
Baby Steps for Losing Weight
👉 without exercise
👉 without going hungry
👉 without expensive specialty foods or pills
Rediscover Health:
A Simple Solution for
Your Body & Mind
through Simple Steps, in Record Time!
Introducing The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit, a unique and effective ebook solution that dramatically reduces the learning curve for healthy eating, bringing you faster results more easily than you'd thought possible.
What makes this approach totally different is that The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit designed to deliver impressive results as fast as you want them - weeks for most, days for some - without overwhelm, without formal study, at your own pace.
Transform your body and mind for good.
Our good food for good health philosophy works without the need for exercise, starvation, or expensive specialty foods & supplements.
SAVE 80%
The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit
NOT a Fad Diet
Is your goal to get into cute jeans this weekend? Or to get healthy and fit into those cute jeans for the rest of your life?
The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit will teach you how to begin eating healthy for good. The baby steps are generally compatible with keto, Atkins, paleo, proper human diet, carnivore, and any eating plan that prioritizes protein and natural fat and limits carbohydrates.
Tackle baby steps at your own pace, with support from our been-there-done-that life tips.
The Fast Path To Health:
Simplifies Your Journey to Good Health
We get it.
It is frustrating when you're trying hard to get in shape, but it feels like you're stuck in weight gain mode.
That's why we think The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit is a big deal.
Our easy, baby-step-by-baby-step process is made to simplify your journey to good health.
Pardon us for harping on health rather than weight. There is a reason. Did you know that weight gain is a symptom of illness? Your body is trying to tell you something is out of balance. Why? How? The cause is simply the food you eat.
We've all been lied to.
For years.
Are you ready to learn THE TRUTH?
Are you ready to get healthy and, in the process, shed those extra pounds?!
Maybe you are miserable, eating low-fat rabbit food by day and binging by night. Maybe you've tried keto but quit because it was expensive and confusing and didn't work. Maybe you are just ready to give up.
Don't give up. I can help.
I can share baby steps - 30 baby steps - that will simplify your choices and speed up your journey to a healthy mind and body quicker and smoother than anything you've tried before.
Forget about the times things didn't work out; this is your fresh start.
The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit comes from a lot of study and practical experience. I'll admit it right now: I am not a doctor, a nutritionist, or a scientist. That's not a bad thing. Most of what these professionals have been taught - and are now telling you - are lies, pure and simple.
The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit is a labor of love, initially written for my daughters and now shared with you. Each step was tested and adjusted with the help of many women who were tired of living with extra weight, yet confused about the truth of reaching their health goals.
The end result is this guide, a simple, easy way to realize good health.
The real problem isn't your weight.
The real problem is...
Excess weight, especially around your middle,
is a symptom of metabolic dysfunction:
Chronic Inflammation.
Chronic Inflammation
Chronic Disease
"The four horsemen of the medical apocalypse — coronary artery disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's — may be riding the same steed: inflammation."
Chronic Inflammation
linked to
"Chronic inflammation may trigger or worsen depression, especially in those with autoimmune or chronic conditions."
Chronic Inflammation
linked to
Joint Pain
"...chronic inflammation in the joints...leads to pain, stiffness, and joint damage known as inflammatory arthritis."
What Causes
We have some idea.
Dr. Robert Lustig, MD
"The increase in consumption of sugar and ultra-processed foods has led to a rise in insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, which are at the root of many chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity."
Dr. Mark Hyman, MD
"Ultra-processed foods loaded with sugar, refined grains, and industrial seed oils are the primary drivers of insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, leading to a multitude of chronic diseases."
Dr. Jason Fung, MD
"Processed foods high in sugars and refined carbohydrates are major contributors to insulin resistance, fueling chronic inflammation and a host of diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease."
Dr. Cate Shanahan, MD
"Vegetable oils, or seed oils, are highly inflammatory and, when combined with sugars and refined carbs in ultra-processed foods, they drive insulin resistance and chronic disease."
The Journey To Good Health
Does Not Require an Advanced Degree in Nutrition
But it can seem that way, especially if you follow a variety of experts and listen to podcasts where they discuss leptins and lectins, cortisol and glycation, adipose tissue and omega 3 & 6 ratios, ketosis and oxalate dumping.
Are your eyes glazing over yet?
If you really want to understand the science behind weight gain and weight loss, maybe you do need a degree!
Myself, I don't have a science degree. But I do hold a master's degree in English. I am able to read, and I am able to gleen big ideas and actionable steps from research and reviews.
And I have been able to distill rules about healthy eating as they apply to common food groups, and then offer up lists of best and worst choices. I call it The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit: 30 Baby Steps for Clean Low-Carb Living.
Baby Steps
I'm not saying changing your diet will be easy, but
it does not have to be complicated, confusing, overwhelming. And it does not need to be accomplished overnight.
Choose a goal - perhaps your coffee. Read Baby Step #5. After you've cleaned up your coffee, choose another. Progress, not perfection.
Are there other paths to success? Of course! And I encourage you to add a daily dose of inspiration from the numerous testimonials and success stories found on social media. They don't have to be from me. Listen to keto success stories, carnivore success stories, paleo success stories, even plant-based success stories.
You will find the common thread is eliminating sugar, processed carbohydrates, seed oils, and additives from your diet.
That's where I come in.
No matter which healthy diet (truly healthy, not the fake healthy diet lies) you aspire to adopt, the The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit will get you started. Simply.
Instead, you'll train your taste buds to delight in new food choices and lose weight doing so.
Stop hiding from mirrors and dressing rooms.
Stop searching for solutions in pills and prescriptions.
The answer is simple: good food. Let me show you how to begin.
Your journey to a slim healthy body starts here.
Your Mission:
AKA Real Food. Good Food
Clean, meaning the fewer the additives, the better. The less processing, the better. Real food, food without ingredient lists.
Low-carb meaning low in carbohydrates, yes, but also high in protein and high in natural fat.
Protein and Fat are essential macronutrients.
They are what our bodies use to rebuild itself from the cells on up all day long.
Carbohydrates? Completely optional.
Not essential. Our bodies can make what we need.
What does clean low-carb food look like?
Weird food like eggs, cheese, steak, butter, ground beef, nuts, bacon.
Wait. Not so weird after all!
Start here: Change your mind.
Before you try a new diet and
proclaim yourself low-carb and buy the pretty keto-friendly packaged foods and eat better for a few days but cheat on special occasions and on the weekends and during football games and after 10:00 and then
...give up...
Decide to succeed.
Fail to plan, and...
...you know the rest.
Before you declare yourself keto, plan for success.
Let me help you learn the overarching philosophy of clean low-carb eating, understand the trade-offs regarding slow and fast baby-stepping, and celebrate your wins.
Plan to succeed.
30 Baby Steps loosely arranged in seven categories.
Begin anywhere.
Clean up your coffee? Swap your snacks?
Maybe just buy butter!
The sequence and pacing are up to you.
Nothing in-depth; every baby step covered in one simple page: overview, worst list, best list.
Learn to succeed.
Will you cheat?
What will you say to donut-buddies?
How will you manage eating out?
What to serve when friends drop in?
I'll be honest,
it is not fun to sip on your selzer while your pals eat loaded nachos.
Strategies to succeed.
Food & Mood Journal
The Food & Mood Journal will be your contant companion - 'cause, trust me, no one else wants to know about your killer carb count!
Plus dinner ideas and checklists for creating a clean low-carb kitchen.
Want Your Life Back?
Start Now.
You could order a stack of books from the experts.
In fact, I hope you do.
In the meantime.
Begin with
The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit
30 Baby Steps for Clean Low-Carb Living.
Instant Access
Download immediately
upon payment
Fully Linked PDF
Compatible with planner apps like GoodNotes
Food & Mood Journal, also compatible with Good Notes
Pleased to Meet You
I'm Eileen.
I'm staving off Alzheimer's. Oh, and I lost 30 pounds along the way.
I began writing Strong Wise Good after I retired from teaching. After I retired early.
I did not want to retire early. Family and friends josh me about it, as they are all still working. They think I am lucky, I am lazy, I am selfish, I am blessed.
Well, I may be all those things, but that misses the point. I retired early not because I wanted to, but because I had to. I could not do the work anymore. I had developed a touch of the dementia.
I missed meetings. I traveled to empty rooms to meet with peers...arriving on the wrong days. I forget to report to my state testing duty. My lessons were less engaging and less effective than my students deserved. And every day it took me several tries to get to my car. I'd leave behind my purse, my papers, my keys, my glasses.
Every. Single. Day. I wound up writing a list for myself.
Things were hard outside of school as well.
I'd put the casserole in the oven and return later to find it still cold. I hadn't turned the oven on. On the other hand, I would scramble eggs or toast walnuts...and leave the gas burners lit. For hours.
I wound up making a nighttime list for home, one that included checking the oven and stove...
I would forget why I was in a car, where I'd been, and why I was driving. I once went to my doctor's office, checked in on the phone app, and then wandered the building looking for her. So lost. Turns out I was in the wrong office complex. She has been in the same office for the 25 years I've been seeing her.
I began a journal, recording stories of my descent into dementia.
After I retired, I had time to research how I might slow the progression of my dementia. Diet was at the top of the list.
A few weeks after I began eating differently, I realized that I hadn't added a story to my Alzheimer's journal in quite some time. And the mister wasn't chasing me about the oven's being left on or off or on...And I didn't need my nightime list anymore.
My new diet had actually reversed the progression of my Alzheimer’s. 100%? Nah. But enough so that I am no longer unsafe in my home.
Inspired, I continued to consume all the content I could about what our bodies truly need for nutrition. This differs dramatically from the lies we've been fed my whole adult life! It seems so obvious now, but we truly are what we eat. When we force our bodies to live on unnatural processed foods, we cause serious harm. Poor food choices lead to chronic inflammation, which leads to chronic disease, and not just Alzheimer's: insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disorders, arthritis, anxiety & depression, and more. The rampant chronic disease - and, yes, obesity - in the USA is a direct result of our food choices.
My primary goal was to save my brain, and that's sort of hard to put in pictures. * I did, however, lose 30 pounds without exercise, without hunger, without pills. * Excuse the saggy girls in the bathing suit!
About theweight - I had hoped to lose 10 pounds, but -whoops- I lost 30! I am now at a set point fifteen pounds below my adult life norm.
If you have weight to lose, I want you to lose the weight. But more than anything, I want you to regain health.
Extra weight is not the real issue, extra weight is a symptom that something is wrong, that your body is not in balance.
For me, my mind took the hit.
For you it might be related to blood sugar or joint pain or mood swings...honestly, research shows that all chronic disease stems from chronic inflammation, and chronic inflammation is caused by the foods we choose to eat.
It really is that simple.
Now that I understand both the stakes and the simplicity of the solution, I feel duty-bound to share my baby-steps method with the world!
But the world is not yet ready.
Are you?
Is The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit right for you?
Not for You.
Don't Waste Your $ If
You have already been eating low-carb for years. Pass.
I deliver the basics for low-carb newbies.
You want to diet for a few weeks then return to "regular food." Pass.
"Regular food" put the pounds on
and the triggered the illness in the first place.
Can you commit to learning a whole new
(old fashioned) way of eating? For life?
You are here for the recipes. Pass.
I've only just learned to cook without a boxed mix!
I will share a few favorite keto kitchen basics and link to recipe rock stars, but let's be honest, you could google free recipes on your own.
You Are NOT Ready If...
You won't change your coffee
because you've been drinking it that way for years;
You won't give up your margaritas
because life is short and you earned your favorite adult beverage;
You won't swap your mayonaise or salad dressing or marinades
because how could that tablespoon or three even make any difference?
You won't pass on juice and honey and sweet potatoes
because they are natural and therefore healthy, obviously;
You won't touch eggs
because you never liked them and aren't about to start now;
You won't cook for yourself
because you just don't have the time, and cooking is just not your thing;
You won't change your thinking on eating the rainbow, heart-healthy grains, a low-fat diet, and the evils of eggs and red meat
because everyone knows these things are true.
Perhaps Perfect for You?
The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit might be just what you need.
The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit is perfect for you if…
✅ You live in fear of dressing room mirrors and cameras.
✅ You are determined to take charge of your body and your life.
✅ You are fighting chronic disease.You are sad and anxious and confused.
✅ You are sick and tired of being...you know the rest.
Can you imagine?
✅ Can you see yourself in a slimmer body?
✅ Can you feel how easily you glide down the street without effort, without pain?
✅ Can you imagine your life withough the prison of pills and excess weight?
The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit is ideal for women who...
✅ Desire to lose weight, improve health, lift mood, gain clarity;
✅ Are interested in the basics of human nutrition;
✅ Need strategies to meet the challenges of well-intended saboteurs;
✅ Seek straight talk on what to embrace and what to avoid;
✅ Aim to live their best lives by taking control of their heath beginning today.
If you see yourself here, The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit is filled with advice and actionable solutions tailored to your needs!
I created the The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit with busy women in mind. If you crave direct, effective solutions that can be implemented right away, then The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit will be a game-changer for you.
You've got questions. We've got answers.
You will learn how to begin eating clean low-carb. The philosophy and first steps are generally compatible with keto, Atkins, paleo, proper human diet, carnivore, Mediterranean, MIND, and any eating plan that prioritizes protein and natural fat and limits carbohydrates.
You are purchasing a digital product, an ebook in PDF format. The dimensions are best suited for phone reference, though the material may also be viewed on any computer or tablet. The PDF format is compatable with planners such as GoodNotes.
We cannot make any guarantees regarding the results you will achieve from adopting these practices.
Moreover, due to the nature of digital products, we cannot honor requests for returns or refunds.
I am not a health professional. My degree is in English, and I have been a teacher for many years.
Due to the clean low-carb diet, I significantly reversed my Alzheimer's symptoms and effortlessly lost weight. I am one of countless humans who has made similar improvements due to clean low-carb living.
I am delighted to share my simple method of recovering good health through good food.
Are you serious?
I mean, are you serious about losing weight and improving overall health? How serious?
Myself, I know I'll download a freebie and pinkie promise myself to get back to it...soon.
And then forget all about it.
But if I invest a little money, I am investing a little time.
If you want results, you will have to invest a little time. So I am charging a little money.
Because I want your results even more than you do. You can't believe how great you'll feel again!
Now, it is possble to eat clean low-carb on a plant-based diet, and most of the principals in this material 100% apply.
Anyone currently eating a Standard American Diet rich in ultra-processed foods will benefit from avoiding carbs and prioritizing protein and natural fat. You can get started with this material.
Be warned, however, that as of this writing I have a strong meat bias. It is possible to get complete nutrition eating only plants, but it is not easy. It is not natural. Did you know that we humans can acquire all the nutrition we need and in the exact proportions by eating meat alone, especially meat from ruminant animals? Look up Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Georgia Ede.
Thus, though those who favor plant-based diet will find value, I make no effort to conceal preference for meat.
Strong Wise Good is a family-owned brand, dedicated to helping you achieve better health through low-carb eating. We are a sister company to Prosperity Porch, owned and operated by my sister/partner and me, all communications and transactions are handled by Prosperity Porch to ensure a seamless experience.
While the brands are closely linked, we remain focused on delivering the highest-quality health content through Strong Wise Good, with Prosperity Porch managing the business side of things.
Please trust communications from thegals@prosperityporch.com
Why not now?
The Low-Carb Life Starter Kit
30 Baby Steps for Clean Low-Carb Living
It's up to you.
Continue with the diet you grew up on, and continue the creeping weight gain & escalating health issues.
Or. Change your food.
You can do it. Will you?
Instant Access
Download immediately
upon payment
Fully Linked PDF
Compatible with planner apps
such as GoodNote
Food & Mood Journal
Your companion on the journey to good health
Don't take my word for it...
"I began losing weight after just a few baby steps. Very motivating."
M. Kathleen
August 2024
"I've needed someone to just tell me what to do. This does. Love it."
H. Rose
September 2024
"Just cleaning up my drinks made a huge difference in how I look & feel!"
A. Neolani
July 2024
Will You Be Next?
All communications, including order confirmations and support, will come from our sister brand, Prosperity Porch, part of Jomac Girls LLC. Trust emails from thegals@prosperityporch.com.
Rest assured, your health-focused content and products are still delivered by Strong Wise Good.
All rights reserved.